Indus Melic Music School

Non-Profit Organization

Organisation Under IRS Codes Section (501) (c) (3)

indus melic  

 A Non-profit organisation

our monthly Fees

IMMS charges a reasonable monthly fee so that IMMS can be the premier institution it is envisioned to be. The monthly fee covers barely the expense towards the Institute’s facilities, utilities and other costs that are required to keep it on a firm foundation. In that sense, true to the “Guru Shishya” tradition, students are NOT paying for the music lessons, but are contributing towards the maintenance of this premier Institute and advancing the fine art of music. It is not possible to put a monetary value on any art and calculate a < fee in terms of the hours of learning or the number of classes in a month. We are confident that you will agree with this thought process, especially since the fees are very reasonable.

For more information about the admission process and the fees, please contact us…