Indus Melic Music School

Non-Profit Organization

Organisation Under IRS Codes Section (501) (c) (3)

indus melic  

 A Non-profit organisation

 Organisation Under IRS Codes Section (501)(c)(3)

Welcome to indus melic music school

Indus Melic Music School of Indian Classical Music, New Jersey is dedicated to spreading the knowledge and appreciation of Indian Classical Music. We provide the best training to all our students in the art and appreciation of Indian Classical Music.

At present, our school offers regular classes in New Jersey for students who wish to learn how to sing Classical Indian Vocals all of which are an inherent part of Indian Music.

If you wish to learn how to become a classical Vocals singer, you must be patient and committed to learning your art. It has been observed that when one practices at least once a day, every day, the learning process is not only enhanced, but one also acquires a lot of proficiency in the chosen art form.

Indus Melic Music School (IMMS) , New Jersey is an exempt institution under IRS code section (501) (c) [3].and it is dedicated to spreading the knowledge and appreciation of Indian Classical Music. We provide the best training to all our students in the art and appreciation of Indian Classical Music.